This section describes the various JSON formats used by the library.

Initialization config JSON

Passed to GA_init when initializing the library.

    "datadir": "/path/to/store/data"
    "tordir": "/path/to/store/tor/data"
    "registrydir": "/path/to/store/registry/data"
    "log_level": "info",
datadir:Mandatory. A directory which gdk will use to store encrypted data relating to sessions.
tordir:An optional directory for tor state data, used when the internal tor implementation is enabled in Connection parameters JSON. Note that each process using the library at the same time requires its own distinct directory. If not given, a subdirectory "tor" inside "datadir" is used.
registrydir:An optional directory for the registry data, used when the network is liquid based. Note that each process using the library at the same time requires its own distinct directory. If not given, a subdirectory "registry" inside "datadir" is used.
log_level:Library logging level, one of "debug", "info", "warn", "error", or "none".

Connection parameters JSON

   "name": "testnet",
   "proxy": "localhost:9150",
   "use_tor": true,
   "user_agent": "green_android v2.33",
   "spv_enabled": false,
   "cert_expiry_threshold": 1
name:The name of the network to connect to. Must match a key from Network list JSON.
proxy:The proxy connection to pass network traffic through, if any.
use_tor:true to enable Tor connections, false otherwise. If enabled and a proxy is not given, a Tor connection will be started internally. If a proxy is given and Tor is enabled, the proxy must support resolving ".onion" domains.
user_agent:The user agent string to pass to the server for multisig connections.
spv_enabled:true to enable SPV verification for the session, false otherwise.
 Ignore certificates expiring within this many days from today. Used to pre-empt problems with expiring embedded certificates.

Proxy Settings JSON

Contains the proxy settings in use by a session.

   "proxy": "localhost:9150",
   "use_tor": true
proxy:The proxy connection being used to pass network traffic through, or an empty string.
use_tor:true if Tor is enabled, false otherwise.

Login credentials JSON

To authenticate with a hardware wallet, pass empty JSON and provide HW device JSON.

To authenticate with a mnemonic and optional password:

   "mnemonic": "moral lonely ability sail balance simple kid girl inhale master dismiss round about aerobic purpose shiver silly happy kitten track kind pattern nose noise",
   "password": ""

Or, with a mnemonic and optional BIP39 passphrase:

   "mnemonic": "moral lonely ability sail balance simple kid girl inhale master dismiss round about aerobic purpose shiver silly happy kitten track kind pattern nose noise",
   "bip39_passphrase": ""

To authenticate with a PIN:

   "pin": "123456",
   "pin_data": {
       "encrypted_data": "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",
       "pin_identifier": "38e2f188-b3a8-4d98-a7f9-6c348cb54cfe",
       "salt": "a99/9Qy6P7ON4Umk2FafVQ=="
pin:The PIN entered by the user to unlock the wallet.
pin_data:See PIN data JSON.

To authenticate a watch-only user:

   "username": "my_watch_only_username",
   "password": "my_watch_only_password"

HW device JSON

Describes the capabilities of an external signing device.

   "device": {
      "name": "Ledger",
      "supports_ae_protocol": 0,
      "supports_arbitrary_scripts": true,
      "supports_host_unblinding": false,
      "supports_liquid": 1,
      "supports_low_r": false,
name:The unique name of the hardware device.
 True if the device can sign non-standard scripts such as CSV.
supports_low_r:True if the device can produce low-R ECDSA signatures.
 0 if the device does not support Liquid, 1 otherwise.
 True if the device supports returning the Liquid master blinding key.
 See “ae_protocol_support_level” enum in the gdk source for details.

The default for any value not provided is false or 0.


Contains the data returned by GA_encrypt_with_pin. The caller must persist this data and pass it to GA_login_user along with the users PIN in order to allow a PIN login.

   "encrypted_data": "0b39c1e90ca6adce9ff35d1780de74b91d46261a7cbf2b8d2fdc21528c068c8e2b26e3bf3f6a2a992e0e1ecfad0220343b9659495e7f4b21ff95c32cee1b2dd6b0f44b3828ccdc73d68d9e4142a25437b0c6b53a056e2415ca23442dd18d11fb5f62ef9155703c36a5b3e10b2d93973602cebb2369559612cb4267f4826028cea7b067d6ec3658cc72155a4b17b4ba277c143d40ce49c407102c62ca759d04e74dd0778ac514292be09f66449993c36b0bc0cb78f41368bc394d0cf444d452bea0e7df5766b92a3c3a3c57169c2529e9aa36e89b3f6dfcfddc6027f3aabd47dedbd9851729a3f6fba899842b1f5e949117c62e94f558da5ebd37feb4927209e2ead2d492c1d647049e8a1347c46c75411a14c5420ef6896cd0d0c6145af76668d9313f3e71e1970de58f674f3b387e4c74d24214fbc1ad7d30b3d2db3d6fb7d9e92dd1a9f836dad7c2713dc6ebfec62f",
   "pin_identifier": "38e2f188-b3a8-4d98-a7f9-6c348cb54cfe",
   "salt": "a99/9Qy6P7ON4Umk2FafVQ=="

Encrypt with PIN JSON

   "pin": "...",
   "plaintext": {}
pin:The PIN to protect the server provided key.
plaintext:The json to encrypt. For instance it can be the Login credentials JSON with the mnemonic.

Encrypt with PIN Result JSON

   "pin_data": "...",
pin_data:See PIN data JSON.

Wallet identifier request JSON

Describes the wallet to compute an identifier for using GA_get_wallet_identifier. You may pass Login credentials JSON to compute an identifier from a mnemonic and optional password, note that PIN or watch-only credentials cannot be used. otherwise, pass the wallets master xpub as follows:

   "master_xpub": "tpubD8G8MPH9RK9uk4EV97RxhzaY8SJPUWXnViHUwji92i8B7vYdht797PPDrJveeathnKxonJe8SbaScAC1YJ8xAzZbH9UvywrzpQTQh5pekkk",
master_xpub:The base58-encoded BIP32 extended master public key of the wallet.

Get credentials JSON

Accepts an optional password to encrypt the mnemonic.

   "password": ""

Subaccount JSON

Describes a subaccount within the users wallet. Returned by GA_get_subaccount and as the array elements of GA_get_subaccounts.

  "hidden": false,
  "name": "Subaccount Name",
  "pointer": 0,
  "receiving_id": "GA7ZnuhsieSMNp2XAB3oEyLy75peM",
  "recovery_chain_code": "",
  "recovery_pub_key": "",
  "recovery_xpub": "",
  "required_ca": 0,
  "type": "2of2"
  "bip44_discovered": false
hidden:Whether the subaccount is hidden.
name:The name of the subaccount.
pointer:The subaccount number.
receiving_id:The Green receiving ID for the subaccount.
 For "2of3" subaccounts, the BIP32 chaincode of the users recovery key.
 For "2of3" subaccounts, the BIP32 public key of the users recovery key.
recovery_xpub:For "2of3" subaccounts, the BIP32 xpub of the users recovery key.
required_ca:For "2of2_no_recovery" subaccounts, the number of confidential addresses that the user must upload to the server before transacting.
type:For multisig subaccounts, one of "2of2", "2of3" or "2of2_no_recovery". For singlesig subaccounts, one of "p2pkh", "p2wpkh" or "p2sh-p2wpkh".
 Singlesig only. Whether or not this subaccount contains at least one transaction.

Subaccount update JSON

Describes updates to be made to a subaccount via GA_update_subaccount.

  "hidden": true,
  "name": "New name",
  "subaccount": 1
hidden:If present, updates whether the subaccount will be marked hidden.
name:If present, updates the name of the subaccount.
subaccount:The subaccount to update.

Subaccounts list JSON

  "subaccounts": [
    { },
    { }
subaccounts:An array of Subaccount JSON elements for each of the users subaccounts.

Transaction list JSON

    "addressees": [
    "block_height": 0,
    "calculated_fee_rate": 1004,
    "can_cpfp": true,
    "can_rbf": false,
    "created_at_ts": 1551280324000000,
    "fee": 206,
    "fee_rate": 1004,
    "inputs": [
        "address": "",
        "address_type": "p2wsh",
        "addressee": "",
        "is_output": false,
        "is_relevant": false,
        "is_spent": true,
        "pointer": 1640,
        "pt_idx": 0,
        "satoshi": 1834469,
        "script_type": 14,
        "subaccount": 0,
        "subtype": 0
    "memo": "",
    "outputs": [
        "address": "2N3GFLkDKXZRNUqBdHN2SDdwFXrc5FKAJ3a",
        "address_type": "p2wsh",
        "addressee": "",
        "is_output": true,
        "is_relevant": true,
        "is_spent": false,
        "pointer": 1,
        "pt_idx": 0,
        "satoshi": 200000,
        "script_type": 14,
        "subaccount": 4,
        "subtype": 0
        "address": "2N8HdRzRsV8fF8jWroeX1Hd6CFTBvUuEZfJ",
        "address_type": "p2wsh",
        "addressee": "",
        "is_output": true,
        "is_relevant": false,
        "is_spent": false,
        "pointer": 1657,
        "pt_idx": 1,
        "satoshi": 1634263,
        "script_type": 14,
        "subaccount": 0,
        "subtype": 0
    "rbf_optin": true,
    "satoshi": 200000,
    "server_signed": true,
    "transaction_size": 370,
    "transaction_vsize": 205,
    "transaction_weight": 820,
    "txhash": "fe50531d94fae597d9e209582a401e62b1f705ace93eca94fe2e42f187456e4a",
    "type": "incoming",
    "user_signed": true,
    "vsize": 205,
    "spv_verified": "disabled"

Transaction details JSON

Contains information about a transaction that may not be associated with the users wallet. Returned by GA_get_transaction_details.

  "transaction": "02000000000101ab0dec345ed48b0761411306eae50f90dd34f3c8598e48f1c3ad324a862bc72b0000000000feffffff02f4958b4400000000160014a0573f94da51090f3225ddccab864bf3add1019300e1f5050000000017a914fda46ba3f2fc040df40d8cb8543b3dcdc168b6fa870247304402201420ca8bb17c74eef87d7c26a1bed69ddaec8f389df06f3d0233edf0070eec69022051e7bf1efb00a198a5c9958811246f19a1071ac6b68fa9c2f3d91d7a080a56fa012102be66aba37c4c48c85b6eea4d0d7c6ba0e22803438d3f1e29bc8e6e352786335fb0010000",
  "transaction_locktime": 432,
  "transaction_size": 223,
  "transaction_version": 2,
  "transaction_vsize": 142,
  "transaction_weight": 565,
  "txhash": "dc5c908a6c979211e6482766adb69cbcbe760c92923671f6304d12a3f462a2b0"

Create transaction JSON

 "addressees": [
     "address": "bitcoin:2NFHMw7GbqnQ3kTYMrA7MnHiYDyLy4EQH6b?amount=0.001"
 "subaccount": 0

 "addressees": [
     "address": "2NFHMw7GbqnQ3kTYMrA7MnHiYDyLy4EQH6b",
     "satoshi": 100000
 "subaccount": 0,
 "fee_rate": 1000

Sign transaction JSON

"addressees": [
    "address": "2MtcMpWnde3tf5vfwnHXKBaWuAUS8j89771",
    "bip21-params": null,
    "satoshi": 100000
"addressees_read_only": false,
"amount_read_only": false,
"available_total": 4999794,
"calculated_fee_rate": 1000,
"change_address": {
  "address": "2NAvvWUygud1YSdsqTZbnntMRjsbx4RxP3Z",
  "address_type": "p2wsh",
  "branch": 1,
  "pointer": 492,
  "script": "522102da0e5f74219dadbd392dc3157c43c3636e237005e7f3976a338e519901fdf9e32103326c44e51893994677bb43e5d272af11aea967a4ca3f1c431fe41e6a7851a35152ae",
  "script_type": 14,
  "service_xpub": "tpubEAUTpVqYYmDxumXSPwZEgCRC5HZXagbsATdv3wUMweyDrJY4fVDt89ogtpBxa9ynpXB3AyGen3Ko4S8ewpWkkvQsvYP86oEc8z9B6crQ5gn",
  "subaccount": 0,
  "subtype": null,
  "user_path": [
"change_amount": 4889588,
"change_index": 0,
"change_subaccount": 0,
"error": "",
"fee": 206,
"fee_rate": 1000,
"have_change": true,
"is_redeposit": false,
"is_sweep": false,
"network_fee": 0,
"satoshi": {
  "btc": 100000
"send_all": false,
"server_signed": false,
"subaccount": 0,
"transaction": "02000000000101c01365291a12d995d7afc3234f4e86d3e064f175ab5a7d47e631de7f293a930901000000230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fdffffff02f49b4a000000000017a914c1fc2f90044f58698bf9c51f3283e25c809ac17d87a08601000000000017a9140ef7660003133f69023f0436dc8bcf427941dcf5870400480000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000047522103bad7ac76143368781c4ac3e7afbb63cd6b52f2a923c715576804aa1046cabc1a210264f5fa70969907861ebdb2b2d53beb125523bb5140b90194481e2415ade1787452ae4ca21600",
"transaction_locktime": 1483340,
"transaction_outputs": [
    "address": "2NAvvWUygud1YSdsqTZbnntMRjsbx4RxP3Z",
    "address_type": "p2wsh",
    "branch": 1,
    "is_change": true,
    "pointer": 492,
    "satoshi": 4889588,
    "script": "a914c1fc2f90044f58698bf9c51f3283e25c809ac17d87",
    "script_type": 14,
    "service_xpub": "tpubEAUTpVqYYmDxumXSPwZEgCRC5HZXagbsATdv3wUMweyDrJY4fVDt89ogtpBxa9ynpXB3AyGen3Ko4S8ewpWkkvQsvYP86oEc8z9B6crQ5gn",
    "subaccount": 0,
    "subtype": null,
    "user_path": [
    "address": "2MtcMpWnde3tf5vfwnHXKBaWuAUS8j89771",
    "is_change": false,
    "satoshi": 100000,
    "script": "a9140ef7660003133f69023f0436dc8bcf427941dcf587"
"transaction_size": 372,
"transaction_version": 2,
"transaction_vsize": 206,
"transaction_weight": 822,
"used_utxos": [
"user_signed": false,
"utxo_strategy": "default",
"utxos": [
    "address_type": "p2wsh",
    "block_height": 1448369,
    "pointer": 475,
    "prevout_script": "522103bad7ac76143368781c4ac3e7afbb63cd6b52f2a923c715576804aa1046cabc1a210264f5fa70969907861ebdb2b2d53beb125523bb5140b90194481e2415ade1787452ae",
    "pt_idx": 1,
    "satoshi": 4989794,
    "script_type": 14,
    "sequence": 4294967293,
    "service_xpub": "tpubEAUTpVqYYmDxumXSPwZEgCRC5HZXagbsATdv3wUMweyDrJY4fVDt89ogtpBxa9ynpXB3AyGen3Ko4S8ewpWkkvQsvYP86oEc8z9B6crQ5gn",
    "subaccount": 0,
    "subtype": 0,
    "txhash": "09933a297fde31e6477d5aab75f164e0d3864e4f23c3afd795d9121a296513c0",
    "user_path": [
    "address_type": "p2wsh",
    "block_height": 1448369,
    "pointer": 474,
    "pt_idx": 0,
    "satoshi": 10000,
    "script_type": 14,
    "subaccount": 0,
    "subtype": 0,
    "txhash": "09933a297fde31e6477d5aab75f164e0d3864e4f23c3afd795d9121a296513c0"
"memo": ""

Send transaction JSON

"addressees": [
    "address": "2NDwUefHRbbHuGsumAWMbRZUzigrtBYkwrq",
    "bip21-params": null,
    "satoshi": 100000
"addressees_read_only": false,
"amount_read_only": false,
"available_total": 4999588,
"calculated_fee_rate": 1281,
"change_address": {
  "address": "2Mtpg961bP6WH9cQvY2qS4rnuceoRBrnutn",
  "address_type": "p2wsh",
  "branch": 1,
  "pointer": 497,
  "script": "52210350683b20cc33983f818c9b50606909622dbc4387a17699e5ae09b9d5d1b3111c21028598a36a99fbda64ff1d942afef40b1ad80050c2f8d7191f2ac302a58d9db40252ae",
  "script_type": 14,
  "service_xpub": "tpubEAUTpVqYYmDxumXSPwZEgCRC5HZXagbsATdv3wUMweyDrJY4fVDt89ogtpBxa9ynpXB3AyGen3Ko4S8ewpWkkvQsvYP86oEc8z9B6crQ5gn",
  "subaccount": 0,
  "subtype": null,
  "user_path": [
"change_amount": 109663,
"change_index": 1,
"change_subaccount": 0,
"error": "",
"fee": 337,
"fee_rate": 1000,
"have_change": true,
"is_redeposit": false,
"is_sweep": false,
"memo": "",
"network_fee": 0,
"satoshi": 100000,
"send_all": false,
"server_signed": false,
"subaccount": 0,
"transaction": "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",
"transaction_locktime": 1483342,
"transaction_outputs": [
    "address": "2NDwUefHRbbHuGsumAWMbRZUzigrtBYkwrq",
    "is_change": false,
    "satoshi": 100000,
    "script": "a914e2ff64a1ca976947d47b6b2d214af96d5942e1b287"
    "address": "2Mtpg961bP6WH9cQvY2qS4rnuceoRBrnutn",
    "address_type": "p2wsh",
    "branch": 1,
    "is_change": true,
    "pointer": 497,
    "satoshi": 109663,
    "script": "a914114baed477ca8fb65f856b96f860acc52619a6fc87",
    "script_type": 14,
    "service_xpub": "tpubEAUTpVqYYmDxumXSPwZEgCRC5HZXagbsATdv3wUMweyDrJY4fVDt89ogtpBxa9ynpXB3AyGen3Ko4S8ewpWkkvQsvYP86oEc8z9B6crQ5gn",
    "subaccount": 0,
    "subtype": null,
    "user_path": [
"transaction_size": 374,
"transaction_version": 2,
"transaction_vsize": 263,
"transaction_weight": 1052,
"used_utxos": [
"user_signed": true,
"utxo_strategy": "default",
"utxos": [
    "address_type": "p2wsh",
    "block_height": 1448369,
    "pointer": 474,
    "prevout_script": "522102ff54a17dc6efe168673dbf679fe97e06b5cdcaf7dea8ab83dc6732350cd1b4e4210279979574e0743b4659093c005256c812f68f512c50d7d1622650b891de2cd61e52ae",
    "pt_idx": 0,
    "satoshi": 10000,
    "script_type": 14,
    "sequence": 4294967293,
    "service_xpub": "tpubEAUTpVqYYmDxumXSPwZEgCRC5HZXagbsATdv3wUMweyDrJY4fVDt89ogtpBxa9ynpXB3AyGen3Ko4S8ewpWkkvQsvYP86oEc8z9B6crQ5gn",
    "subaccount": 0,
    "subtype": 0,
    "txhash": "09933a297fde31e6477d5aab75f164e0d3864e4f23c3afd795d9121a296513c0",
    "user_path": [
    "address_type": "p2wsh",
    "block_height": 0,
    "pointer": 493,
    "prevout_script": "522102c9465e8b6e98848428b90f21291a19c62fcb20d2dbff76217068219cada5f7a921022e831b15a4faa339ed9a09a6f1bc01da9001f86130e010a397603b4b4230a22552ae",
    "pt_idx": 1,
    "satoshi": 200000,
    "script_type": 14,
    "sequence": 4294967293,
    "service_xpub": "tpubEAUTpVqYYmDxumXSPwZEgCRC5HZXagbsATdv3wUMweyDrJY4fVDt89ogtpBxa9ynpXB3AyGen3Ko4S8ewpWkkvQsvYP86oEc8z9B6crQ5gn",
    "subaccount": 0,
    "subtype": 0,
    "txhash": "d30ba0c63b44d96d581908dc5f02c0619d2440873f3d7ef073fea2290a49f37f",
    "user_path": [
    "address_type": "p2wsh",
    "block_height": 0,
    "pointer": 494,
    "pt_idx": 0,
    "satoshi": 4789588,
    "script_type": 14,
    "subaccount": 0,
    "subtype": 0,
    "txhash": "d30ba0c63b44d96d581908dc5f02c0619d2440873f3d7ef073fea2290a49f37f"


  "psbt": "...",
  "utxos": [],
  "blinding_nonces": [],
psbt:The PSBT or PSET encoded in base64 format.
utxos:The UTXOs that should be signed, in the format returned by GA_get_unspent_outputs. UTXOs that are not inputs of the PSBT/PSET can be included. Caller can avoid signing an input by not passing in its UTXO.
 For "2of2_no_recovery" subaccounts only, the blinding nonces in hex format for all outputs.

Sign PSBT Result JSON

  "psbt": "...",
  "utxos": [],
psbt:The input PSBT or PSET in base64 format, with signatures added for all inputs signed.
utxos:The UTXOs corresponding to each signed input, in the order they appear in the PSBT transaction.

PSBT Get Details JSON

  "psbt": "...",
  "utxos": [],
psbt:The PSBT or PSET encoded in base64 format.
utxos:The UTXOs owned by the wallet, in the format returned by GA_get_unspent_outputs. UTXOs that are not inputs of the PSBT/PSET can be included.

PSBT Get Details Result JSON

  "inputs": [
      "asset_id": "...",
      "satoshi": 0,
      "subaccount": 0,
  "outputs": [
      "asset_id": "...",
      "satoshi": 0,
      "subaccount": 0,


Inputs and outputs might have additional fields that might be removed or changed in following releases.

Fee estimates JSON


Two-Factor config JSON

Describes the wallets enabled two factor methods, current spending limits, and two factor reset status.

 "all_methods": [
 "any_enabled": true,
 "email": {
   "confirmed": true,
   "data": "***@@g***",
   "enabled": true
 "enabled_methods": [
 "gauth": {
   "confirmed": false,
   "data": "otpauth://totp/Green%20Bitcoin?secret=IZ3SMET5RDWVUSHB4CPTKUWBJM4HSYHO",
   "enabled": false
 "limits": {
   "bits": "5000.00",
   "btc": "0.00500000",
   "fiat": "0.01",
   "fiat_currency": "EUR",
   "fiat_rate": "1.10000000",
   "is_fiat": false,
   "mbtc": "5.00000",
   "satoshi": 500000,
   "sats": "500000",
   "ubtc": "5000.00"
 "phone": {
   "confirmed": false,
   "data": "",
   "enabled": false
 "sms": {
   "confirmed": false,
   "data": "",
   "enabled": false
 "twofactor_reset": {
   "days_remaining": -1,
   "is_active": false,
   "is_disputed": false
 The number of days remaining before the wallets two factor authentication is reset, or -1 if no reset procedure is underway.
 Whether or not the wallet is currently undergoing the two factor reset procedure.
 Whether or not the wallet two factor reset procedure is disputed.

Settings JSON

  "altimeout": 10,
  "csvtime": 51840,
  "nlocktime": 12960,
  "notifications": {
    "email_incoming": true,
    "email_outgoing": true
  "pgp": "",
  "pricing": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "exchange": "KRAKEN"
  "required_num_blocks": 12,
  "sound": true,
  "unit": "BTC"

Receive address details JSON

  "address": "2N2x4EgizS2w3DUiWYWW9pEf4sGYRfo6PAX",
  "address_type": "p2wsh",
  "branch": 1,
  "pointer": 13,
  "script": "52210338832debc5e15ce143d5cf9241147ac0019e7516d3d9569e04b0e18f3278718921025dfaa85d64963252604e1b139b40182bb859a9e2e1aa2904876c34e82158d85452ae",
  "script_type": 14,
  "subaccount": 0,
  "subtype": 0
  "user_path": [1, 13]
address:The wallet address in base58, bech32 or blech32 encoding.
address_type:One of "csv", "p2sh", "p2wsh" (multisig), or "p2pkh", "p2sh-p2wpkh", "p2wpkh" (singlesig), indicating the type of address.
branch:Always 1, used in the address derivation path for subaccounts.
pointer:The address number/final number in the address derivation path.
script:The scriptpubkey of the address.
script_type:Integer representing the type of script.
subaccount:The subaccount this address belongs to. Matches "pointer" from Subaccounts list JSON or Subaccount JSON.
subtype:For "address_type" "csv", the number of CSV blocks referenced in "script", otherwise, 0.
user_path:The BIP32 path for the user key.

For Liquid addresses, the following additional fields are returned:

  "blinding_key": "02a519491b130082a1abbe17395213b46dae43c3e1c05b7a3dbd2157bd83e88a6e",
  "blinding_script": "a914c2427b28b2796243e1e8ee65be7598d465264b0187",
  "is_blinded": true,
  "unblinded_address": "XV4PaYgbaJdPnYaJDzE41TpbBF6yBieeyd"
blinding_key:The blinding key used to blind this address.
 The script used to generate the blinding key via
is_blinded:Always true.
 The unblinded address. This is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used to receive.

Previous addresses request JSON

Contains the query parameters for requesting previously generated addresses using GA_get_previous_addresses.

  "subaccount": 0,
  "last_pointer": 0,
subaccount:The value of “pointer” from Subaccounts list JSON or Subaccount JSON for the subaccount to fetch addresses for. Default 0.
last_pointer:The address pointer from which results should be returned. If this key is not present, the newest generated addresses are returned. If present, the “last_pointer” value from the resulting Previous addresses JSON should then be given, until sufficient pages have been fetched or the “last_pointer” key is not present indicating all addresses have been fetched.
is_internal:Singlesig only. Whether or not the user key belongs to the internal chain.

Previous addresses JSON

Contains a page of previously generated addresses, from newest to oldest.

  "last_pointer": 2,
  "list": [
      "address": "2N52RVsChsCi439PpJ1Hn8fHCiTrRjcAEiL",
      "address_type": "csv",
      "branch": 1,
      "is_internal": false,
      "pointer": 2,
      "script": "2102df992d7fa8f012d61048349e366f710aa0168a1c08606d7bebb65f980ccf2616ad2102a503dfc70ad1f1a510f7e3c79ffeebc608f27c6670edfb7b420bd32fdb044b73ac73640380ca00b268",
      "script_type": 15,
      "subaccount": 0,
      "subtype": 51840,
      "tx_count": 0,
      "user_path": [
      "address": "2MzyxeSfodsJkj4YYAyyNpGwqpvdze7qLSf",
      "address_type": "csv",
      "branch": 1,
      "is_internal": false,
      "pointer": 1,
      "script": "2102815c7ba597b1e0f08357ddb346dab3952b2a76e189efc9ebde51ec005df0b41cad210328154df2714de6b15e740330b3509ce26bc0a3e21bf77ce0eaefeea0e9e77b59ac73640380ca00b268",
      "script_type": 15,
      "subaccount": 0,
      "subtype": 51840,
      "tx_count": 0,
      "user_path": [
last_pointer:If present indicates that there are more addresses to be fetched, and the caller to get the next page should call again GA_get_previous_addresses passing this value in Previous addresses request JSON. If not present there are no more addresses to fetch.
list:Contains the current page of addresses in Receive address details JSON format.

Unspent outputs request JSON

Describes which unspent outputs to return from GA_get_unspent_outputs, or which unspent outputs to include in the balance returned by GA_get_balance.

  "subaccount": 3,
  "num_confs": 0,
  "all_coins": false,
  "expired_at": 99999,
  "confidential": false,
  "dust_limit": 546
subaccount:The subaccount to fetch unspent outputs for.
num_confs:Pass 0 for unconfirmed UTXOs or 1 for confirmed.
all_coins:Pass true to include UTXOs with status frozen. Defaults to false.
expired_at:If given, only UTXOs where two-factor authentication expires by the given block are returned.
confidential:Pass true to include only confidential UTXOs. Defaults to false.
dust_limit:If given, only UTXOs with a value greater than the limit value are returned.

Unspent outputs JSON

Contains the filtered unspent outputs.

  "unspent_outputs": {
    "btc": [
        "txhash": "09933a297fde31e6477d5aab75f164e0d3864e4f23c3afd795d9121a296513c0",
        "pt_idx": 0,
        "satoshi": 10000,
        "block_height": 1448369,
        "address_type": "p2wsh",
        "is_internal": false,
        "pointer": 474,
        "subaccount": 0,
        "prevout_script": "522102ff54a17dc6efe168673dbf679fe97e06b5cdcaf7dea8ab83dc6732350cd1b4e4210279979574e0743b4659093c005256c812f68f512c50d7d1622650b891de2cd61e52ae",
        "user_path": [
        "public_key": "0279979574e0743b4659093c005256c812f68f512c50d7d1622650b891de2cd61e",
        "expiry_height": 1458369,
        "script_type": 14,
        "user_status": 0,
        "subtype": 0,
txhash:The txid of the transaction.
pt_idx:The index of the output, the vout.
satoshi:The amount of the output.
block_height:The height of the block where the transaction is included. Is 0 if the transaction is unconfirmed.
address_type:One of "csv", "p2sh", "p2wsh" (multisig), or "p2pkh", "p2sh-p2wpkh", "p2wpkh" (singlesig), indicating the type of address.
is_internal:Whether or not the user key belongs to the internal chain.
pointer:The user key number/final number in the derivation path.
subaccount:The subaccount this output belongs to. Matches "pointer" from Subaccounts list JSON or Subaccount JSON.
prevout_script:The script being signed, the script code.
user_path:The BIP32 path for the user key.
public_key:Singlesig only. The user public key.
expiry_height:Multisig only. The block height when two-factor authentication expires.
script_type:Multisig only. Integer representing the type of script.
user_status:Multisig only. 0 for "default" and 1 for "frozen".
subtype:Multisig only. For "address_type" "csv", the number of CSV blocks referenced in "script", otherwise, 0.

For Liquid instead of having the "btc" field, there are (possibly) multiple fields, one for each asset owned, and the keys are the hex-encoded policy ids.

For Liquid the inner maps have additional fields:

  "confidential": true,
  "asset_id": "e4b76d990f27bf6063cb66ff5bbc783d03258a0406ba8ac09abab7610d547e72",
  "assetblinder": "aedb6c37d0ea0bc64fbc7036b52d0a0784da0b1ca90ac918c19ee1025b0c944c",
  "amountblinder": "3be117b88ba8284b05b89998bdee1ded8cd5b561ae3d05bcd91d4e8abab2cd47",
  "asset_tag": "0b103a2d34cf469987dd06937919f9dae8c9856be17c554fd408fdc226b1769e59",
  "commitment": "094c3f83d5bac22b527ccac141fe04883d79bf04aef10a1dd42f501c5b51318907",
  "nonce_commitment": "0211b39afe463473e428cfafd387f9c85b350f440131fad03aa5f4809b6c834f30",
confidential:Whether or not the output is confidential.
asset_id:The hex-encoded asset id.
assetblinder:The hex-encoded asset blinder (asset blinding factor, abf)
amountblinder:The hex-encoded amount blinder (value blinding factor, vbf)
asset_tag:The hex-encoded asset commitment.
commitment:The hex-encoded value commitment.
 The hex-encoded nonce commitment.

Unspent ouputs set status JSON

Valid status values are "default" for normal behaviour or "frozen". Frozen outputs are hidden from the caller’s balance and unspent output requests, are not returned in nlocktime emails, and cannot be spent. An account containing frozen outputs can be deleted, whereas an account with unfrozen outputs can not.

Freezing an output requires two factor authentication. Outputs should only be frozen in response to e.g. a dust attack on the wallet. Once a wallet is deleted, any frozen outputs it contained will be unspendable forever.


Only outputs of value less that two times the dust limit can be frozen.

  "list" : [
      "txhash": "09933a297fde31e6477d5aab75f164e0d3864e4f23c3afd795d9121a296513c0",
      "pt_idx": 1,
      "user_status": "frozen"

Transactions details JSON


Network JSON

  "address_explorer_url": "",
  "bech32_prefix": "bcrt",
  "bip21_prefix": "bitcoin",
  "csv_buckets": [
  "development": true,
  "electrum_tls": false,
  "electrum_url": "localhost:19002",
  "liquid": false,
  "mainnet": false,
  "name": "Localtest",
  "network": "localtest",
  "p2pkh_version": 111,
  "p2sh_version": 196,
  "server_type": "green",
  "service_chain_code": "b60befcc619bb1c212732770fe181f2f1aa824ab89f8aab49f2e13e3a56f0f04",
  "service_pubkey": "036307e560072ed6ce0aa5465534fb5c258a2ccfbc257f369e8e7a181b16d897b3",
  "spv_multi": false,
  "spv_servers": [],
  "spv_enabled": false,
  "tx_explorer_url": "",
  "wamp_cert_pins": [],
  "wamp_cert_roots": [],
  "wamp_onion_url": "",
  "wamp_url": "ws://localhost:8080/v2/ws"

Network list JSON

Contains a list of all available networks the API can connect to.

  "all_networks": [
  "liquid": { },
  "mainnet": { },
  "testnet": { },

For each network listed, a Network JSON element is present containing the networks information.

Transaction limits JSON


Two-factor detail JSON


Auth handler status JSON

Describes the status of a GA_auth_handler. Returned by GA_auth_handler_get_status.

The data returned depends on the current state of the handler, as follows:

  • "done":
  "status": "done",
  "action": "disable_2fa",
  "result": {}
action:The action being processed.
result:The data returned from the call, if any.
  • "error":
  "status": "error",
  "action": "disable_2fa",
  "error": "Incorrect code"
action:The action being processed.
error:A text description of the error that occured.
  • "call":
  "status": "call",
  "action": "disable_2fa"
action:The action being processed.
  • "request_code":
  "status": "request_code",
  "action": "disable_2fa",
  "methods": [ "email", "sms", "phone", "gauth", "telegram" ]
action:The action being processed.
methods:A list of the two factor methods the user has enabled.
  • "resolve_code" (two factor):
  "status": "resolve_code",
  "action": "disable_2fa",
  "method": "email",
  "auth_data": {},
  "attempts_remaining": "3"
action:The action being processed.
method:The two factor method the user should fetch the code to enter from.
auth_data:Method-specific ancillary data for resolving the call.
 If present, the number of incorrect attempts that can be made before the call fails.
  • "resolve_code" (hardware wallet/external device):
  "status": "resolve_code",
  "action": "disable_2fa",
  "required_data": {
      "action": "get_xpubs",
      "device": {}
action:The action being processed.
required_data:Contains the data the HWW must provide, see GDK Hardware Wallet Interface.

Reconnect JSON

Controls session and internal Tor instance reconnection behaviour.

  "hint": "connect",
  "tor_hint": "connect"
hint:Optional, must be either "connect" or "disconnect" if given.
tor_hint:Optional, must be either "connect" or "disconnect" if given.

For both hint types, "disconnect" will disconnect the underlying network connection used by the session, while "connect" will reconnect it. if a hint is not given, no action will be taken for that connection type.

Each session will automatically attempt to reconnect in the background when they detect a disconnection, unless "disconnect" is passed to close the connection first. The session will be notified using a Network notification when the underlying network connection changes state.

For environments such as mobile devices where networking may become unavailable to the callers application, the network must be disconnected and reconnected using GA_reconnect_hint in order for connectivity to be resumed successfully. In particular, when using the built-in Tor implementation to connect, failure to do so may result in Tor failing to connect for the remaining lifetime of the application (this is a Tor limitation).

Convert amount JSON

Amounts to convert are passed with a single key containing the unit value to convert, returning all possible conversion values for that value. See Amount JSON for the list of unit values available.

For example, to convert satoshi into all available units:

  "satoshi": 1120

If "fiat_currency" and "fiat_rate" members are provided, the fiat conversion will fall back on these values if no fiat rates are available. Callers can check the "is_current" member in the result Amount JSON to determine if the fall back values were used.

For example, to convert bits into all available units, with a fiat conversion fallback:

  "bits": "20344.69",
  "fiat_currency": "USD",
  "fiat_rate": "42161.22"

Amount JSON

  "bits": "20344.69",
  "btc": "0.02034469",
  "fiat": "0.02",
  "fiat_currency": "EUR",
  "fiat_rate": "1.10000000",
  "mbtc": "20.34469",
  "satoshi": 2034469,
  "sats": "2034469",
  "subaccount": 0,
  "ubtc": "20344.69"
  "is_current": true
fiat_currency:Set to the users fiat currency if available, otherwise an empty string.
fiat_rate:Set to the users fiat exchange rate if available, otherwise null.
is_current:true if the "fiat_currency" and "fiat_rate" members are current.

Available currencies JSON


HTTP parameters JSON

   "headers":{"If-Modified-Since":"Mon, 02 Sep 2019 22:39:39 GMT"}

Locktime details JSON


Asset parameters JSON

   "assets": true,
   "icons": true,
   "refresh": true

Get assets parameters JSON

   "assets_id": ["6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d","144c654344aa716d6f3abcc1ca90e5641e4e2a7f633bc09fe3baf64585819a49"],

Asset informations JSON

   "assets": {
      "6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d": {
         "asset_id": "6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d",
         "contract": null,
         "entity": null,
         "issuance_prevout": {
            "txid": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "vout": 0
            "txid": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "vin": 0
         "issuer_pubkey": "",
         "name": "btc",
         "precision": 8,
         "ticker": "L-BTC",
         "version": 0
   "icons": {
      "6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d": "BASE64"

Error details JSON

   "details":"assertion failure: ../src/ga_session.cpp:rename_subaccount:2166:Unknown subaccount"

Get Subaccounts parameters JSON

Parameters controlling the GA_get_subaccounts call.

   "refresh": false
refresh:If set to true, subaccounts are re-discovered if appropriate for the session type. Note that this will take significantly more time if set. Defaults to false.